Newsletter Evropského integračního portálu - č. 88

Níže naleznete první letošní newsletter Evropského integračního portálu. Z obsahu upozorňujeme na následující informace:
Výzkumné centrum JRC v prosinci zveřejnilo studii srovnávající situaci v oblasti vzdělávání cizinců v zemích EU. Z jejích výstupů plyne, že školou povinní cizinci si ve srovnání se svými spolužáky z majoritního prostředí vedou hůře. Nicméně z hlediska uplatnění na pracovním trhu jsou na tom imigranti lépe než domácí obyvatelstvo s nízkou kvalifikací. Problémem zůstává skutečnost, že i vysoce kvalifikovaní imigranti ve srovnání s majoritou hůře uplatňují své vzdělání a často vykonávají nízkokvalifikovanou práci.
Rada evropských obcí a regionů spolu s Evropskou federací odborových svazů veřejných služeb představila společné principy integrace cizinců, kterým dominuje zaměření na začlenění cizinců na pracovním trhu. Text doporučuje regionálním samosprávám posílit vzdělávání zaměstnanců v oblasti diversity managementu, prosazovat princip rovnosti přístupu ke všem službám, zajistit vstřícné podmínky pro cizince na pracovištích či přehodnotit procedurální bariéry a náborové procesy. Na evropské úrovni je dle dokumentu potřeba zajistit, aby evropská legislativa upravující práva zahraničních pracovníků platila ve všech členských zemích či upravit aktuální operační programy financované ESF tak, aby z nich bylo možné ve větší míře financovat opatření na podporu začlenění imigrantů na pracovní trh a zapojit je do sociálního dialogu.
Aktuální grantové výzvy:
Social and labour market integration of refugees – výzva Evropské komise v rámci Programu EU pro zaměstnanost a sociální inovace na projekty podporující zrychlený přístup uprchlíků na pracovní trh. Deadline: 30.3.2017.
Integration of Third-Country Nationals – výzva v rámci Azylového a integračního fondu (AMIF) zaměřená na 1. podporu aktivní účasti imigrantů ve vzdělávání, sportovních, kulturních a společenských aktivitách a na rozhodovacím procesu; 2. předodjezdovou a popříjezdovou podporu integrace relokovaných či přesídlených žadatelů o mezinárodní ochranu. Deadline: 28.2.2017.
Framework Partnership Agreement with a European policy network in the field of education of children and young people with a migrant background – výzva Generálního ředitelství pro Vzdělávání a kulturu (DG EAC) na podporu evropské sítě organizací pro spolupráci v oblasti vzdělávání dětí a mladistvých s migračním původem. Deadline: 22.2.2017.
EWSI ČR na sociálních sítích:
13 January 2017 / Issue 88
In 2017, the European Web Site on Integration's newsletter will continue to provide you with a selection of the most relevant policy developments, research, events, funding schemes and good practices at the EU, national and local level in the field of migrant integration.
WELCOME to our first issue of the year!
European Content
New Integration Network takes off with first meeting
The National Contact Points on Integration have undergone a make-over to become the European Integration Network - EIN, which has a stronger coordination role and mutual learning mandate. The first meeting of the Network took place on 11 and 12 October 2016 in Brussels. Topics discussed
Educational outcomes and immigrant background
Results from this publication by the Joint Research Center show that, in general, children with immigrant background across the EU tend to perform worse than their native counterparts, and this gap seems to remain throughout adulthood. The research report also highlights the potential role of schools, vocational training and policies in improving their educational situation. Read more
Conclusions of the Council on the integration of TCNs legally residing in the EU
On 9 December 2016, Members States stressed their support for the increased efforts of the European Commission to foster migrant integration with the help of EU instruments and in the context of the New Skills Agenda for Europe. They also asked the Commission to explore ways to disseminate good practices, promote cooperation with the media, monitor integration policy outcomes at EU level, etc. Other requests
Upcoming Events
Prague - Conference on the role of media, journalists and propaganda in the refugee crisis
26/01/2017 13:00
(European House, Jugmannova 24, Prague 1, Czech Republic)
The Organization for Aid to Refugees organises an international conference focused on the role of media, journalists and propaganda in the refugee “crisis”. The conference will take a look at the work of media during and after the refugee crisis, as well as explore how experts and…
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Birmingham - Understanding Brexit: Inequality, Inclusion and Social Justice
26/01/2017 18:00
(Impact Hub Birmingham, 58 Oxford Street, Digbeth, Birmingham, B5 5NR)
This is an open event to understand 'Brexit' in terms of issues of inequality, inclusion and social justice. It will focus on the position of newly arrived and settled migrants and the implications of Brexit for social inclusion and integration. The panellists include leading UK academics and…
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Berlin - Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung in Deutschland überwinden
06/02/2017 14:00
(Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) Glinkastr. 24 10117 Berlin.)
Neuen Schätzungen UNICEFs zufolge leben heute weltweit mindestens 200 Millionen Mädchen und Frauen als Betroffene von weiblicher Genitalverstümmelung (FGM), etwa 70 Millionen mehr als noch 2014 veranschlagt. Durch Migration und Flucht hat sich das Problem regional stark…
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Vechta - Für eine Solidaritäts- und Anerkennungskultur
16/02/2017 08:30
(Universität Vechta Driverstraße 22 49377 Vechta)
Unter dem Titel „Für eine Solidaritäts- und Anerkennungskultur: Rassismuskritik als Querschnittsaufgabe der Sozialen Arbeit in Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis“ findet am 16. und 17. Februar 2017 eine Tagung im Fach Soziale Arbeit statt. Themen sind u.a.…
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Latest News
Denmark: New corps of mentors to help refugees enter the labour market
The Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration has recently announced that it will support municipalities and business organisations to build a corps of mentors to help more refugees break down the barriers currently keeping about 2 in 5 of them from entering the labour…
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Czech Republic: No applicants for the general provider of integration services tender
In August 2016, the Czech government published an open tender for a 3 years contract worth 173.5 million crowns (6.43 million EUR) per year for the provision of migrant integration services. The deadline (15 December 2016) passed and no bidder has expressed interest in this 520-million-crown…
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Ireland: Dublin University launches 15 scholarships for refugees
The Dublin City University (DCU) is launching a scholarship programme at undergraduate and postgraduate level that will be available as of September 2017 for refugees and asylum seekers. Each of its 5 faculties will provide a scholarship while 10 others will be offered for studies on its…
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Belgium: Muslim consistory says the State interferes in its internal organisation
On February 15 2016, a new royal decree defined the recognition of the Muslim Executive of Belgium. While the new decree aims to institutionalise Islam in Belgium and to redefine the mission of temporal management of the Muslim faith, it also clearly establishes a close link with the fight…
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Poland: 2017 priorities of the National Platform of Cooperation for Integration
During a two-days conference on 15-16 December 2016, the National Platform of Cooperation for Integration presented its priorities for 2017. The Platform is a forum initiated by the International Organization for Migration and the Polish Ministry of the Interior for information and…
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Greece: Call for registration for NGOs dealing with migration issues
The Greek Ministry of Interior has launched a new online platform allowing Greek and Foreign Non-Governmental Organisations active in Greece in the area of international protection, migration and social integration to register as such. The Ministry has therefore published a call for…
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Croatia: Staze - First newspaper by and for refugees launched
Staze ( Paths in English) is a monthly newspaper created by and for asylum seekers and refugees living in Croatia. Initiated by the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), the publication's first issue presented in Zagreb in December 2016 covers a large range of inter-cultural issues such the…
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Integration Practices Recently Uploaded
Immigrants - Award-winning sculpture project by Cypriot pupils
Immigrants was initiated in the context of the 5th Pancyprian Competition of Visual Arts of Secondary General Education which was dedicated to the 2015 'refugee crisis'. Organisers wanted to award art projects that revolves around the humanitarian drama but also the crisis of values…
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The House of journalists - A home for persecuted journalists & activists
Since 2002, non-profit organisation La Maison des Journalistes - MDJ (the House of journalists ) promotes freedom of press and speech by welcoming and supporting persecuted professional journalists, who have been forced to flee their home countries because of their work, and…
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Exoduses - Theatre workshops for intercultural and intergenerational dialogue
Exoduses is a theatre workshops project for and with youngsters from all over the world (including Italy). The project idea arose in 2014, following a series of theatre actions and projects implemented since 2005 by Teatro dell’Argine - TdA, both on local and international level, aiming at…
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Inter-Kul-Tur-Istra: Training for the promotion of the multicultural heritage of the Slovenian Istria
The project Inter-Kul-Tur-Istra , carried out by the Association for Culture and Education PiNA, together with several ethnic minority associations, strives to valorise the multiethnic cultural heritage of the Slovenian Istra territory. Through its awareness raising activities on the cultural…
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Latest Funding Information
Europe: Funding opportunity for social and labour market integration of refugees
With this call for proposals, the European Commission wants to supports the fast-track integration of asylum seekers, refugees and their family members into the labour market. Published under the European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) 2014-2020, the total budget…
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Europe: AMIF funding opportunity for migrant participation & integration of resettled or relocated refugees
In order to promote the efficient management of migration flows and the implementation, strengthening and development of a common European migration approach, the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) has been set up for the period 2014-20, with a total of EUR 3.1 billion. With this new…
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Europe: Call open for proposals to support an European migrant education policy network
This call by DG Education aims to support an EU-wide network of organisations dedicated to the promotion of co-operation and policy development in the field of school education for children and young people with migration background. The network will be expected to represent a wide range of…
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Latest Documents
Life of Foreigners in the Czech republic 2016
This publication is an in-depth statistical analysis on foreigners residing in the Czech Republic, with a particular focus on their employment and entrepreneurial activities. The first chapter provides information on the categories of foreigners by residence permit types while the second brings…
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Understanding Migration – Controlling Migration, a report of the Austrian Migration Council
The Austrian Migration Council for Austria was set up in April 2014 at the Federal Ministry of the Interior as a non-governmental and independent body. The panel consisted of members from ten fields of expertise connected to migration. Risks and opportunities have been now identified and…
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Diskriminierungsrisiken für Geflüchtete in Deutschland - Eine Bestandsaufnahme der Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes
Um einen Überblick über die speziellen Diskriminierungsrisiken von Geflüchteten in Deutschland zu erhalten, hat die Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes im ersten Halbjahr 2016 zwei Befragungen durchgeführt. Zum einen wurden Beschäftigte und Ehrenamtliche in Migrations-…
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The Casey Review: Integration of Britain's most isolated and deprived communities
This report sets out the findings of a review into the integration of Britain's most isolated and deprived communities. It includes an examination of social integration, public attitudes to integration and migration, social and economic exclusion across various domains, trends in religion…
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