Newsletter Evropského integračního portálu - č. 87

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V rámci sítě EUROCITIES vznikla z iniciativy starosty Atén platforma Solidarity Cities. Jejím cílem je poskytnout samosprávám nástroje, zkušenosti a expertýzu potřebnou k překonání problémů, kterým města čelí v oblasti integrace cizinců.
Uprchlická krize podnítila vznik řady inovací. Rychlost, s jakou k tomu došlo, rozostřila hranice mezi byznysem a občanskou společností. Experti z thinktanku Migration Policy Institute v čerstvé zprávě Digital Humanitarianism: How Tech Entrepreneurs Are Supporting Refugee Integration mapují inovativní nástroje a promýšlí, jak ty nejnosnější z nich včlenit do integračních politik.
EWSI ČR na sociálních sítích:
10 November 2016 / Issue 87
WELCOME! This is the 87th issue of the European Web Site on Integration's newsletter.
Please find below a selection of the most relevant policy developments, data updates, events, funding schemes and good practices at the EU, national and local level, recently published on the Web Site.
European News
Solidarity Cities, a new platform for municipalities
Under the framework of the EUROCITIES network, this initiative of Athens' Mayor Giorgos Kaminis will provide local authorities with the necessary tools, including opportunities for exchange of know-how and expertise, to overcome challenges their cities are facing today in terms of refugee and migrant integration. Read more
Digital Humanitarianism: How tech entrepreneurs are supporting refugee integration
The 'refugee crisis' galvanised tremendous tech innovation in a very short time. The rapidity of such response has blurred the line between civil society and business. In order to bring together NGOs and tech companies, policy-makers are recommended to better integrate innovation within mainstream services and ensure scaling of the most promising ideas. Proposed policy levers
Upcoming Events
Lisbon - 10th edition of the ImigrArte Festival
12/11/2016 10:00
(Ateneu Comercial Rua Portas de Santo Antão nº110 1150-269 Lisboa, Portugal)
Lisbon is once more hosting the ImigrArte Festival. Organised entirely by volunteers of as many as 30 immigrant associations, this festival is considered as an important social and cultural event. It involves the voluntary participation of 250 artists from more than 25 countries and is…
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London - European attitudes to immigration
16/11/2016 09:00
(The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH)
This one-day conference organised by the British Academy will draw on new data from the latest round of the European Social Survey to address key questions surrounding British attitudes towards migration in a European context and will explore the implications of the findings for policy-makers.…
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Lisbon - XII International Congress of the Portuguese Refugee Service
16/11/2016 09:00
(Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Avenida de Berna, Lisboa, Portugal)
In 2015, more than one million people came to the European Union through the Mediterranean, fleeing conflicts or violation of their fundamental rights in their home countries. To face this exodus, the Portuguese Refugee Council wants to promote solidarity and integration of this population…
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Slovenia - Nation-wide training on diversity and tolerance for education professionals
16/11/2016 08:30
(Atrij ZRC SAZU)
The Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport is inviting Education professionals (teachers, professors, principals) across the country to take part in a training focusing on diversity and tolerance in schools. The goal of such training is to empower stakeholders in fostering respect…
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München - Migration und Integration: Chancen und Herausforderungen für Bildung und Bildungsverwaltung
01/12/2016 11:00
(Hochschule München für angewandte Wissenschaften Lothstraße 34 80335 München)
Im Rahmen der 37. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Bildungsverwaltung (DGBV) zum Thema "Migration und Integration - Chancen und Herausforderungen für Bildung und Bildungsverwaltung" soll im Rahmen von Impulsvorträgen und mehreren Workshops über Wege für eine…
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Maastricht - Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: The Limburg Principles and Migration
01/12/2016 09:00
(1st December 2016: Academie Jan van Eyck – Academieplein 1, 6211 KM Maastricht, The Netherlands 2nd December 2016: Faculty of Law, Statenzaal – Bouillonstraat 1-3, 6211 LH Maastricht, The Netherlands)
In light of the 30th anniversary of the Limburg Principles, the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights is organising a conference in the area of Economic, Social and Cultural (ESC) Rights. The goal of the conference is to assess the value and significance of the Limburg Principles in relation to the…
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Latest News
Greece: Refugees now have immediate access to employment
According the Presidential Decree 220/2007 in its Article 10(1), applicable until recently, asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection could access the Greek labour market through a work permit. Application could be submitted once individuals were provided with relevant…
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Spain: Anti-discrimination initiatives by local authorities on the rise
In response to the increasing number of hate crimes registered in Spain and in particular those related to Islamophobia , several anti-discrimination initiatives have emerged throughout Spain and local authorities are among major actors. From protocols to training courses, autonomous…
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Greece: First day of school for refugee children accompanied with few protests
The Greek Ministry of Education has launched a programme which will allow some 10,000 refugee children to access public education (primary and nursery school) and attend classes every day from 2 to 6 pm. This schedule allows the programme to use the premises of public schools, as Greek pupils…
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Netherlands: Prominent governmental organisations abandon the term alien
Allochtoon (alien), was introduced in the Netherlands in 1989 as a neutral term to differentiate those who originate from 'this soil' (autochtoon) from those you don't. With time, it came to actually mean 'not really Dutch' and was also used for Dutch nationals. Therefore, the daily…
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Italy: New data outline difficult situation for immigrant youth
On 7 November, Fondazione Leone Moressa released new data comparing the situation of youngsters with migrant background living in Italy with their peers in other EU countries. The study has considered key indicators of education and labour market inclusion in 15 EU countries and the picture…
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Malta: New Refugee Commissioner appointed
Martine Cassar has been appointed to be Malta's third Refugee Commissioner, succeeding Mario Guido Friggieri (2007). She is a law graduate from the University of Malta and the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. Prior to her appointment, she headed the Maltese…
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Poland: Poles accept employment of foreigners only for certain jobs
According to the latest Ipsos survey commissioned by the International Organisation for Migration, the acceptance of foreigners taking up low-skilled jobs in Poland, such as those in the construction or agriculture sector, is on the rise. However, the poll also shows that the acceptance of…
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Lithuania: Resettled refugees are leaving the country
The departure of a second refugee family, Syrian parents and their three children, was reported on 27 September. This announcement follows that of another resettled family, this time from Iraq, 3 weeks ago. The Syrian family had already found accommodation and the father, a job in the…
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Integration Practices Recently Uploaded
Kultūrų įkalnė (Cultural Uphill), an inclusive and social day centre
Caritas Lithuania, through its Foreigners' Integration programme , established a social centre called ' Cultural Uphill ' (Kultūrų įkalnė) in 2008. The centre located in Pabradè, a city in the Vilnius county, welcomes both asylum seekers and the local community around joint…
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Latest Funding Information
World: Registration now open for the December term of the Visegrad Grants
For this call for proposals, the Visegrad Fund will prioritise applicants from non-governmental and civil society organisations, municipalities and local governments, public schools and universities, and research and scientific bodies. Preference will also be given to projects build with…
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Luxembourg: Financial help for municipal integration plans
On 12 October 2016, the Minister of Family and Integration communicated a new co-financing opportunity for local authorities wanting to develop a municipal plan for the integration of migrants. The government can contribute for up to 50% of the total cost and for a maximum of 25,000 euros. All…
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Czech Republic: Open tender for the 2017-19 refugee integration services provider
The Interior Ministry is looking for a general provider of integration services for beneficiaries of international protection during the period 2017-2019. 500 million CZK (around 18.5 million EUR) are announced to be earmarked for 6.000 refugees in the next 3 years. Following the publication of…
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Latest Documents
Kommunale Flüchtlingspolitik in Deutschland
Das Papier "Kommunale Flüchtlingspolitik in Deutschland" betrachtet elf zentrale Handlungsfelder kommunaler Flüchtlingspolitik, die mit Beispielen aus der Literatur und der aktuellen Praxis illustriert werden. Außerdem werden Thesen und Empfehlungen für Bund, Länder und…
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Immigrant integration indicators in Portugal. 2016 Statistical Report
This 2016 edition of the Portuguese annual statistical report provides an overview of the integration of immigrants in Portugal. It is based on a wide range of 2013 and 2014 data obtained from official sources, including the Aliens and Borders Office. The authors highlights the following main…
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Reforming the Integration of Refugees: The Swedish Experience
This study on the 2010 Swedish introduction programme is the first evaluation report published in English on the effects of this major reform which transferred the responsibility for the integration of newly‐arrived refugees from municipalities to the government funded Public Employment…
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Living separately: The challenges of family reunification and resettlement programmes for refugees arriving in Greece
In its report Living separately: The challenges of family reunification and resettlement programmes for refugees arriving in Greece , ActionAid reveals that, according to statistics from the Greek Asylum Service, an estimate of at least 5,600 refugees are waiting in Greece to reunite with their…
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Newly arrived migrants and national minorities in Croatia
The refugee crisis in 2015-16 has set the issues of migration and integration on the agenda in all European countries. For Croatia, a country of emigration, the integration of migrants is a new topic, as only very few refugees or migrants have chosen to stay in Croatia so far. Therefore, the…
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