Newsletter Evropského integračního portálu - č. 78

Níže naleznete aktuální newsletter Evropského integračního portálu. Z obsahu bychom vás rádi upozornili na následující informace:
Grantová výzva pro
evropská města: integrace cizinců
Iniciativa Evropské komise
Urban Initiative Action (UIA), zaměřená na hledání a podporu
neotřelých řešení problémů měst, vypisuje první grantovou výzvu v objemu 80
milionů EUR. Vedení evropských měst, která mají více než 50 000
obyvatel, mohou žádat mimo jiné o prostředky na podporu aktivit zaměřených na integraci imigrantů včetně souvisejících investic do
sociální, zdravotnické či vzdělávací infrastruktury. Podpořeny
budou nejméně tříleté projekty, a to až do výše 5 milionů EUR. Termín pro
podání grantových žádostí je 31.3.2016.
Evropské integrační indikátory: nová data o chudobě a sociálním vyloučení
Eurostat v lednu 2016 aktualizoval migrační a integrační statistiky (tzv. zaragozské indikátory) zaměřené na ohrožení chudobou a sociálním vyloučením. Jedním z hlavních cílů Strategie Evropa 2020 v boji s chudobou je pomoci minimálně 20 milionům lidí vymanit se z bídy. Právě lidé narození mimo EU jsou jednou ze skupin, které jsou těmito jevy nejvíce ohroženi.
This is the 78th issue of the European Web Site on Integration's newsletter. Every month, the Editorial team of the European Web Site on Integration sends you a selection of content recently published on the Site.
Europe: 1st Call for Urban Innovative Actions prioritises migrant integration
Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) is an Initiative of the European Commission that provides urban areas throughout Europe with resources to test new and unproven solutions to address urban challenges. Based on article 8 of ERDF, the Initiative has a total budget of EUR 372 million for 2014-2020. The 1st Call for Proposals is open from 15 December 2015 to 31 March 2016. The main objective of the 1st Call is to select projects testing bold and unproven ideas on the following topics...
Europe: New web-page gathering projects financed under the Erasmus+ Sport programme
The European Union believes that Sport plays an important role in shaping the European society, creating social cohesion and eliminating racism and xenophobia. Therefore, it promotes integration through sport of marginalised groups, including the immigrant population. Within this framework, the Directorate-General for Education and Culture has created a web-page dedicated to migrant integration projects financed under the Erasmus+ Sport programme ...

Prague - Public debate: Problems faced by foreigners on the labour market
15/02/2016 10:00
(Evropský dům, Jungmannova 24, 110 00 Praha 1)
With the support of the Open Society Fund Prague, a
Public discussion on current problems, including
discrimination, faced by immigrants participating in
Czech labour market - with a special focus on
female-immigrant workers - will be held in Prague on
15 February 2016. Key speakers from NGOs…
Copenhagen - IMISCOE Spring Conference 2016
18/02/2016 16:00
(Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS)
University of Copenhagen Karen Blixens Vej 4 DK-2300
Copenhagen S, Denmark)
The Centre for Advanced Migration Studies (AMIS) and
IMISCOE jointly organise a conference on controlling
migration, at the University of Copenhagen from 18 to
19 February 2016. The keynote lectures will be
delivered by Adrian Favell (University of Leeds) and
Sarah Fine (King’s College…
Brussels - Integrating refugees into the labour market: turning the crisis into an opportunity
22/02/2016 14:30
(EESC, JDE 62, Rue Belliard 99, Brussels, Belgium)
This public seminar is organised by The Labour Market
Observatory (LMO) of the European Economic and Social
Committee (EESC) in cooperation with the European
Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working
Conditions (Eurofound). The event is focused on
factors which facilitate the…
Vienna - ECHA Conference "Talents in Motion: Encouraging the Gifted in the context of Migration and Intercultural Exchange"
02/03/2016 16:00
(Aula der Wissenschaften, Wollzeile 27a, A-1010
Vienna, Austria)
From 02 to 05 March 2016, Giftedness and high
potential in a multicultural society will be discussed
during the 15th International ECHA Conference
organised by the Department of talent development and
innovation ( Institute TIBI ). Intellectual abilities
and the diversity of intelligences,…
Click here for more events

Sweden: Parliament approves new law that forces municipalities to settle migrants
All parties except the Sweden Democrats have
approved a new law that forces municipalities to
settle migrants granted asylum. The law is
controversial because it violates the principle of
local self-government enshrined in the constitution.
The reason for the reform is the lack of capacity in…
France: Parcours d'intégration - Réussites et échecs en terme d'emploi et d'éducation
Dans le cadre d'une étude conjointe, 22 chercheurs
de l’Institut national d’études démographiques (INED)
et de l’Institut national de la statistique et des
études économiques (Insee) ont scruté les vies de 8
300 immigrés issus de…
Czech Republic: Updated State Integration Programme
The State Integration Programme is a national
conceptual document developed by the Interior
Ministry, which defines measures aiming to help
persons with granted international protection with
their integration into the majority society. The
updated version of the State Integration Programme,…
Estonia: Ability to integrate refugees into the society is insufficient
The Estonian National Audit Office has published a
report, noting that the ability of the state and local
governments to integrate people who are requesting or
have received international protection needs
improvement. The Office states that it is necessary to
develop a long-term and…
Austria: Results of the Viennese competence checks
Today, the results of the Viennese competence checks
were presented. The skill level of persons entitled to
asylum who participated varies greatly between
countries. However, in general, competence
check-participants from Syria, Iran and Iraq are found
to be well qualified: 73% of Iraqis, 67% of…
Romania: Increase of assistance granted to asylum seekers approved by government
In October 2015, the Government stated in a release
transmitted to the National Press Agency (AGERPRES)
that, based on data provided by the Research
Institute for Quality of Life, a set of values was
established, redefining and significantly increasing
the monthly expenses rate for…
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Histoire de deux mains pour demain - Dialogue intergénérationel
"Histoire de deux mains pour demain" est un travail
de mémoire et de transmission de l’histoire de
l’immigration. C’est l’histoire des immigrés seniors
appelés pudiquement Chibanis (« cheveux blancs ») et
celle des jeunes qui connaissent…
SKUHNA - “Slovenian World Cuisine”, improvement of social conditions of migrants, while enriching the Slovenian society
SKUHNA or “Slovenian World Cuisine” is an innovative
project of social enterprise, which, together with
migrants and refugees, has been developed by the
Global Institute, in partnership with the Voluntariat
Institute. It is meant to contribute to the
improvement of social…
Mentoring Program for Migrants
This initiative consists of a national network of
volunteers – mentors – available to provide guidance,
orientation or information to migrants (including
refugees) – mentees – according to the needs of the
latter, in different areas such as qualification, job
Click here for more integration practices
Italy: AMIF call for proposals now published
The current national plan of the Asylum, Migration
and Integration Fund (AMIF) focuses on strengthening
the reception system of asylum seekers - with specific
emphasis on 1st reception phase. It mainly aims at
overcoming the logic of emergency interventions and
implementing structural…
Sweden: Apply for AMIF funds now
The first call for proposals in the Swedish Asylum,
Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) has been
published by the Migration Board who administer the
Swedish AMIF. Funded projects are co-financed by 75
percent, and there are approximately 100 million SEK
(10.500.000 euros) available per year to…
EU Integration indicators: new data on poverty and social exclusion
Eurostat updated in January 2016 the migration
integration statistics ('Zaragoza indicators') on the
risk of poverty and social exclusion. One of the
headline targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy is the
reduction of poverty by lifting at least 20 million
people out of poverty or social exclusion,…
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