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Zapojování občanské společnosti do integrace uprchlíků
Přijímání a přesídlování uprchlíků je ve většině evropských zemí historicky silně centralizované a patří do kompetencí vlád. Uprchlická krize v letech 2015/16 napnula kapacity azylových systémů některých zemí k prasknutí. Živelně rašící grassrootové aktivity sehrály klíčovou roli v distribuci materiální pomoci i lidské podpory nově příchozím, což mezi tvůrci politik zažehlo debatu o tom, co vše vlastně lze z intenzivnějšího zapojování občanské společnosti do integračního procesu vytěžit. Policy brief zpracovaný thinktankem Migration Policy Institute zkoumá široké spektrum přístupů k integraci uprchlíků včetně komunitního a soukromého financování integračních aktivit. Také se vypořádává se třemi typy problémů, kterým občanský sektor i vlády při jejich implementaci čelí:
1. Jak zachovat kvalitu integrační aktivity při tlaku na její rychlou implementaci?
2. Jak mají vládní orgány tyto aktivity supervidovat a neznechutit přitom komunitní leadery?
3. Jak kultivovat spolupráci všech zúčastněných stran?
Výzkumné středisko bude sledovat postoje evropské veřejnosti k migraci
V srpnu bylo v Bruselu založeno výzkumné středisko Observatory of Public Attitudes to Migration (OPAM), zaměřené na postoje Evropanů k migraci. Cílem OPAM je sledovat evropské, národní i regionálně specifické trendy související s postoji veřejnosti k migraci a zpřístupňovat je tvůrcům politik, akademikům i široké veřejnosti.
Inkluzivní vzdělávání odstraňuje segregaci ve školách
Komisař Rady Evropy pro lidská práva počátkem září zveřejnil position paper, který analyzuje příčiny segregace dětí-cizinců ve školách. Ukazuje se, že tyto děti často chodí do škol s neproporcionálně vysokou koncentrací dětí-cizinců. Učitelé zde sice mají relativně volnou ruku, zároveň však čelí absenci prostředků či nástrojů pro práci se specifickými vzdělávacími potřebami těchto žáků. Dokument identifikuje hlavní příčiny segregace dětí-cizinců, popisuje klíčové principy inkluzivního vzdělávání a shrnuje doporučení pro jeho další rozvoj.
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E-Newsletter 12 October 2017 / Issue 95
Fighting school segregation in Europe through inclusive education
The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights has published a position paper arguing for an inclusive education in Europe. The document analyses the causes of school segregation experienced by children with a refugee or migrant background across Europe, highlighting that they often are taught in schools with a disproportionately high presence of migrant pupils. It also contains a set of recommendations, including the legal prohibition of discrimination, desegregation strategies and awareness raising campaigns. Find out more
The European Web Site on Integration (EWSI) has been reporting on the role of school education in the integration of foreign children and those with an immigrant background since its launch in 2009. To further explore the integration of third country national pupils into European schools, browse through our compilation of articles.
This 95th issue of EWSI's newsletter also features the usual selection of upcoming events, latest news, good practices and available funding opportunities in the field of integration:
Hamburg - Conference on Migration and Media Awareness 2017
23/11/2017 15:00
(Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik Jarrestraße 20 22303 Hamburg Germany)
The conference on migration and media awareness is a two-day event jointly organised by Refugee Radio Awareness Network, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Radio e.V Freies Sender Kombinat and Kampnagel Internationale Kulturfabrik. It convenes approximately 250 participants to engage in…
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Malmö - Contesting the populist challenge: Beyond ‘Orbanism’ and ‘Trumpism’ and the normalisation of exclusion
16/11/2017 09:00
(Sankt Gertrud Konferens, Östergatan 7B, Malmö)
Europe and the US are currently experiencing the rise of extreme right parties, as well as a growing accommodation of mainstream parties to such extremes. This 2-day symposium, organised as part of the 20 years celebration of the Malmö Institute for Migration, Diversity and Welfare, aims to…
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Luxembourg - Strengthening the research-policy dialogue in the fields of migration and integration
24/10/2017 09:00
(Université du Luxembourg, Esch Belval)
In the light of their growing importance of migration and integration related topics on a local, national and international level, as well as their hyper-mediatisation and increasing politicisation, policy-makers are evermore called to formulate adequate responses to challenges posed by the…
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Lisbon - Third Global Youth Mentoring Network Conference
19/10/2017 09:30
(ISCTE – IUL Auditório J. J. Laginha Av. das Forças Armadas 376, 1600-077 Lisboa Portugal)
The 2017 Global Youth Mentoring Network’s annual conference will take place at the University Institute of Lisbon on Thursday 19 October. This year's edition is entitled Youth Mentoring, Cultural Diversity, Minorities and Migrant Groups and will draw on international perspectives on…
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United Kingdom: An average of 6 months for refugees to access language classes
Due to chronic underfunding, institutions providing language classes are struggling to meet demand. To confirm this assumption, the charity organisation Refugee Action has conducted a poll among 71 providers of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Results show that refugees are…
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Portugal: New course to teach all pupils human values, including diversity
As part of the National Strategy for Citizenship Education presented on 15 September, the course Citizenship and Development will be taught in 235 schools across Portugal during the academic year of 2017-18. Promoting a fairer, more supportive and inclusive society through education is the…
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Sweden: Education and job-training obligation for newcomers
The Swedish government has proposed regulatory changes in the area of social and labour market integration for newly arrived immigrants. These amendments, intended to be aligned with rules currently applicable for Swedish jobseekers, include an education obligation and a labour market…
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Greece: Many asylum seeking children did not go back to school now
Greek children went back to school on 11 September 2017. However, hundreds of asylum-seeking children who are prevented from leaving the islands and waiting to be returned to Turkey as part of the EU-Turkey deal remained out of school. Greece will extend a program that provides special…
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Ireland: The teaching profession is failing to reflect the diversity of modern Ireland
10% of children attending primary level education in Ireland are non-Irish and more than 30,000 have either no religion or a faith other than Catholic. However, the teaching corps is far from reflecting this diversity. The conclusion of a study carried out by the National University of Ireland…
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Denmark: Refugee employment increased in the second quarter of 2017
24.4 percent of refugees aged 16-64 were in paid employment in the second quarter of 2017, reports Statistics Denmark in its September newsletter. This means that 5,900 refugees (arrived within the past 5 years) have managed to kick in the notoriously binding doors to the Danish labour market…
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Poland: NGOs providing integration support to immigrants face serious financial problems
The Ministry of the Interior and Administration had still not allocated AMIF funds at the end of September 2017. The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund is the main source of financing for NGOs carrying out integration projects targeted at foreigners. NGOs try to cope through other…
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Europe: First European observatory for public attitudes toward migration
The very first observatory entirely dedicated to europeans' attitudes towards migration was launched in Brussels on Wednesday 20 September 2017. The Observatory of Public Attitudes to Migration (OPAM) will collect and produce comprehensive and pan-EU data to provide collective understanding…
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Youth Included - A European project to increase migrants' participation in youth activities
Structures aiming to establish bonds of friendship are instrumental for the inclusion of young nationals of third countries. Youth Included is a project implemented by a European consortium of 3 organisations (Civis Plus in Greece, Uluslararasi Genclik Aktiviteleri Merkezi Dernegi in…
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The Migrant Participation Project - Slovenia
In Slovenia, political participation of third country nationals (TCNs) is absent in public discourses and immigrants' turnout at elections is not officially recorded. However, data collected through the European Social Survey suggest that long-settled non-EU-born adults (10+ stay) are a third…
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Europe: Call for research proposals on the service and care models for migrant children
Different service and care models targeting children and youth on the move have emerged over time and have been tested in different contexts. However, insights into their long-term effects have been lagging behind. The European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM) is therefore opening…
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Slovakia: IOM grant for education and training
The International Organization for Migration in Slovakia is currently providing grants to third-country nationals who wish to stay and work in the country. The financial contribution is aimed at improving their prospects on the job market through education and training, including language…
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IOM Migration legal guide for practitioners in Greece
With this booklet, IOM wants to support and complement Greek efforts in the provision of immediate assistance to migrants by creating an operational tool that would assist practitioners in the implementation of the Greek Law and European Directives. This booklet provides a general overlook…
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Interplay and co-operation between national and local levels in integration policy
This publication focuses on the governance of integration in Finland. It attempts to answer questions relating to the perception political and social actors have of immigrant integration policy frames and shifts. It details responsibilities of- and cooperation between different stakeholders,…
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Engaging Communities in Refugee Protection: The Potential of Private Sponsorship in Europe
In most European countries, refugee reception and resettlement have historically been highly centralized government functions. Yet as national asylum systems saw their capacity stretched to a breaking point during the 2015-16 crisis, new grassroots efforts began to crop up across Europe to offer…
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The role of women in the integration of foreign family in the Czech society
This monograph maps the process of integration of Third Country National families from Ukraine, Vietnam and Russia into the Czech society with regard to their socio-cultural characteristics. It particularly looks into the role of women in this process. It also includes measures to promote in…
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Muslims – Second EU Minorities and Discrimination Survey
This thematic focus of the second EU Minorities and Discrimination Survey published by European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights examines experiences of more than 10,500 Muslim immigrants and descendants of Muslim immigrants in 15 EU Member States. In addition to discrimination, it…
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