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Z aktuálního vydání newsletteru EWSI upozorňujeme na následující články:
Jak píší média o migraci na obou stranách Středozemního moře?
Problematika migrace se na titulních stránkách novin objevuje neustále. Jak se o ní píše v odlišných kontextech středomořských zemí? Autoři studie – samotní novináři – čerpají z důvěrné znalosti své práce i jejích limitů a poskytují cennou reflexi interakcí mezi redakčními politikami, politickými narativy, přístupy novinářů a veřejnými diskurzy.
Řecko vydalo první evropské kvalifikační pasy pro uprchlíky
Sekce pro vzdělávání Rady Evropy realizuje od počátku letošního roku pilotní projekt, jehož smyslem je pomoci uprchlíkům s uznáváním jejich kvalifikace a umožnit jim vrátit se co nejdříve ke studiu či zaměstnání. Kvalifikační pasy, jejichž vydání je založené na strukturovaném pohovoru, vyplněném dotazníku a dodaných dokladech o vzdělání, získalo v Řecku prvních 54 uprchlíků. Podívejte se, jak celý systém funguje.
EWSI ČR na sociálních sítích:
E-Newsletter 14 August 2017 / Issue 93
Summertime means decreased activities in many sectors. Nonetheless, the editorial team of the European Web Site on Integration has found a number of very interesting developments happening across Europe in the area of migrant integration:
EU Highlights
New emergency support for Greece announced
Greece lacks resources to manage the flow of migrants regularly arriving on its territory. The European Commission announces a new support package to help the country integrate both refugees and migrants. € 151 out of the € 209 million total package will focus on mainstream accommodation and financial aid. What will the rest be allocated to?
A new report on the media coverage of migration?
Migration often hits the headlines but how is it covered in different national contexts? The European Union has financed this research project to understand the prevailing media narratives on both sides of the Mediterranean. 17 journalists critically reflect on editorial lines, political narratives, journalistic approaches and public discourse. Their analysis
First European Qualifications Passports for Refugees issued
The Council of Europe’s Education Department runs a pilot project since the beginning of 2017 to help recognise skills and qualifications of refugees, and to enable them to resume their studies or career as quickly as possible. It now announces the issuance of the first 54 European Qualifications Passports for Refugees. How does it work?
Upcoming Events
The Hague - International Metropolis Conference 2017
18/09/2017 00:00
(World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands)
From 18 to 22 September, The Hague will host the 2017 International Metropolis Conference. Researchers, policy makers, and community groups will focus on mobility, how governments respond to it and how to bring considerations of global justice to the discussion. The conference will…
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Brussels - Promoting Migrant Integration for a Powerful, Diverse and Multicultural Europe
14/09/2017 10:00
(Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels, Belgium)
According to the 2016 Eurostat statistics, 20.7 million people with non-EU citizenship are currently residing in the European Union. These migrants actively contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of European societies. The key to ensuring the best possible outcomes for both…
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Malmö - International seminar: City Development Policy for Inclusion
30/08/2017 09:00
(Enskifteshagen, Annelund, Malmö, Sweden)
The International Urban Development Association (INTA) invites national and local policymakers, city planners and other urban actors to an international seminar on migrants & refugees on the 30 and 31 of August. The seminar aims to develop sustainable and effective solutions for city…
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Ústí nad Labem - Barevná planeta international world music festival
09/09/2017 13:00
(Mírové náměstí, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic)
The XVIII annual world music festival Barevná Planeta (Czech for Colourful Planet) will be held in the centre of Ústí nad Labem on 9 September 2017. As every year, the festival´s program offers musical productions, art exhibitions, world cuisines, educational lectures,…
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Latest News
Netherlands: Language teachers criticise naturalisation exam
Professionals teaching the Dutch language to foreigners in preparation of their naturalisation exam are criticising the so-called civic integration exam. They say that the tests are too difficult, that the set-up doesn’t allow those who fail the exam to get feedback on their mistakes, that…
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Deutschland: BAMF will identität von geflüchteten stärker kontrollieren
Deutsche Behörden sollen künftig Mobiltelefone von Flüchtlingen auslesen dürfen, um deren Identität festzustellen. Das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) will die Identität Asylsuchender schärfer überprüfen und mit den Daten…
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Poland: Financial support to local services for foreigners to be increased
Province governors will receive additional funds from the Ministry of the Interior and Administration (MSWiA) to improve services provided to growing number of foreigners living across Poland. The nearly 42 million PLN (about 10 million euros) additional budget is funded by the European…
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Ireland: New Hub to tackle racism and promote political participation
A new Integration Hub has been launched by the Immigrant Council of Ireland to meet the needs of Ireland’s increasing diversity. The Hub will promote political and civic engagement while also tackling racism. It will provide direct services as well as engage in campaigning and…
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Latest Funding Information
Croatia: Call for projects to fight the exclusion of socially vulnerable groups
The Croatian Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy has announced a call for project proposals aimed at reducing and preventing social exclusion of socially vulnerable groups. The ultimate goal is to support the integration and social inclusion of beneficiaries of international…
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Bulgaria: AMIF funding opportunity for support activities and information campaigns
The Bulgarian Ministry of Interior has published a new call for proposals under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. The BG65AMNP001-2.004 - Integration and Legal Migration call is aimed at projects providing support and training to third-country nationals, as well as pre-departure…
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Ireland: Human Rights and Equality Grant Scheme 2017
The Human Rights and Equality Grant Scheme 2017 is currently accepting project applications aiming to encourage a deeper culture of human rights and equality in Ireland. The Grant will support activities related to intercultural understanding and diversity, as well as those supporting the…
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Czech Republic: AMIF calls n° 11 and 12 now open
The Czech Interior Ministry´s Department of European Funds announces 2 calls for proposals within the national AMIF scheme. The first is dedicated to organisations providing legal and translation/interpreting support to those applying for international protection or wishing to regularise…
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Latest Documents
Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen in deutschen Kommunen: Konfliktmediation und lokale Beteiligung
Welche Konflikte entstehen bei der Aufnahme und Unterbringung von Geflüchteten? Wie gehen Kommunen mit den Problemen um? Zu diesen Fragen haben das Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien der Universität Osnabrück (IMIS) und das Internationale…
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Analysis of 2 bills on the integration of asylum seekers in Belgium
2 Belgian draft laws - 2548 and 2549 - modifying the law of 15 December 1980 regarding access to territory, residence, integration and expulsion of foreigners are analysed in this report by the network on asylum and migration CIRE. With a delay of 2 years, the 2 bills transpose four…
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2017 Annual Report on the Labour Market Situation of Immigrants in Italy
The 7th edition of the Annual Report on the Labour Market Situation of Migrant Workers in Italy provides a detailed overview of the recent dynamics in the economical inclusion of migrants, both EU and non-EU nationals. In accordance with the an increase of the total number of people in…
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BLEND IN: Early needs of young asylum seekers. State of the art and need analysis
Within the framework of the Blend In project carried out in Italy, Greece and Malta, the Maltese national partner - Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants in Malta (FSM) has drafted this report. The document contains inputs from asylum seekers, refugees and professionals working…
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