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Uplynulé dva měsíce pracovala Evropská komise na nástroji, který vám umožní sledovat postup při implementaci evropského Akčního plánu pro integraci. Díky jeho přehlednému designu rychle získáte přehled o tom, jaké kroky EU aktuálně v podpoře integraci cizinců podniká a proč. Monitorovací nástroj bude spuštěn za několik dní, nicméně už teď se níže v newsletteru můžete podívat, jak bude vypadat.
Web EWSI brzy dostane další face-lift: záložku EU´s work rozdělíme do 2 podsekcí: první bude shrnovat vývoj evropské integrační politiky v uplynulých dvou dekádách, druhá bude věnována evropským platformám pro vzájemné učení o problematice integrace cizinců.
EU: Cizinci jsou nadále znevýhodněni ve všech aspektech bydlení
Eurostat na základě dat z roku 2015 z celé EU minulý týden aktualizoval integrační statistiky. Ukazuje se, že v oblasti bydlení, která je klíčovou součástí evropských indikátorů integrace (EU Zaragoza indicators), nedošlo oproti předchozímu období k téměř žádnému zlepšení. Zatímco 70,5 % domácí populace ve věku 20-64 let žije ve vlastním, u cizinců se jedná pouze o 32.1 %. V přelidněných domácnostech žije 22,2 % cizinců (v některých zemích jako Maďarsko či Řecko až 50 %) ale pouze 16,5 % domácího obyvatelstva. Rovněž podíl nákladů na bydlení na celkovém příjmu domácnosti je u cizinců výrazně nepříznivější než u domácí populace: v celoevropském měřítku vynakládá na bydlení více než 40 % příjmů domácnosti čtvrtina cizinců, avšak pouze desetina domácího obyvatelstva.
EWSI ČR na sociálních sítích:
E-Newsletter 25 April 2017 / Special Edition
For the past 2 months, we have been compiling information and developing a tool that will empower you to monitor the progress in the implementation of the Commission's Action Plan on Integration. The dashboard design will provide an up-to-date overview of what the EU is currently doing to foster migrant integration, while still allowing users to find out more about each action or the goal it serves. The monitoring tool will be released in the coming days but here is already a sneak peek for you.
We also seized the opportunity to give a face-lift to the entire EU tab by introducing 2 new subsections. The first one will tell the story of how the EU has been shaping the integration of Third Country Nationals in Europe for the last 2 decades and the second one will be dedicated to European mutual learning platforms on migrant integration. Meanwhile, take one last look at the current EU section.
The revamping the EU tab is the second major step in a series of changes that started last year with the simplification of the homepage.
While we were away:
Latest News
Italy: Training course for volunteers and professionals supporting migrants
The Italian think-thank ISPI (Istituto Studi Politica Internazionale) and the Italian branch of Amnesty International are jointly organising a short training course aimed at strengthening capacities and knowledge of professionals and volunteers working in the field of refugees' reception and…
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France : Campagne dénonçant les conséquences des politiques migratoires
Trois semaines avant le premier tour des élections présidentielles françaises, L'ONG Cimade publie un état des lieux qui liste les effets des politiques migratoires de la dernière décennie sur les personnes migrantes. Parallèlement, elle…
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Netherlands: Campaign group loses court case for timely refugee relocation
Campaign organisation We Gaan Ze Halen (Let’s Bring Them Here ) which sued the Dutch state for not complying with its commitment to relocate 8,712 refugees from camps in Greece and Italy by September 2017 lost its court case on Friday 24 March. 6 months prior to the deadline, with…
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Belgium: Diwan Awards celebrates Belgians of Moroccan origin
The final event of the 5th edition of the Diwan Awards took place on Friday 24 March 2017. The ceremony awarded 37 nominees from the Belgian Moroccan community who are setting an example to inspire the young generations in areas as diverse as medicine, engineering, sports, entrepreneurship and…
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Czech Republic: Controversial amendment proposals to Aliens Act
After more than a year of discussions between the Interior Ministry and various experts on the governmental proposal to amend the Aliens Act, the lower house of the Czech Parliament is currently debating an additional amendment proposal which would make it impossible for…
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Finland: Save the Children is looking for foster families for unaccompanied minors
During the past two years, Finland received 3,500 unaccompanied minors. So far, 1600 have been granted asylum. Given that family reunification has been practically impossible for minors in recent years (only 111 positive family reunification decisions between 2012 and 2016), Save the Children…
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Portugal: Government wants bigger fines for those who commit racial discrimination
In light of the significant increase in the number of complaints received and analysed by the Portuguese Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination (CICDR), the government has submitted a proposal to the Parliament to increase the amount of the fine against those who commit such…
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Europe: Migrants continue to be disadvantaged in all housing aspects
Last week, based on data collected in 2015 across all 28 EU Member States, eurostat updated migration integration statistics. As a key area of the EU Zaragoza Integration Indicators on social inclusion, housing trends and variations are highly significant for migrant integration. The…
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Italy: Second generation mobilised for a reformed nationality law
In February 2017, the national advocacy campaign L’Italia sono anch’io (Italy I am) and the movement Italiani senza cittadinanza (Italian without citizenship) have launched a new wave of mobilisation to ask for a quick approval of the long-awaited nationality law…
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Greece: Asylum granted to 10,000 applicants
It is estimated that more than 60,000 migrants are currently stranded in Greece as a result of the decision by a series of Balkan states to close their borders amid a influx of fugitives from Syria and other war-torn states last year. At least 1 out of 6, including 2,000 minors, has now been…
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Integration Practices Recently Uploaded
Uropa - Inclusive contemporary ballet
UROPA is a contemporary ballet in which professional ballet dancers and asylum seekers performed together. It was co-produced by the ballet dance lab Corpus, in cooperation with the Copenhagen-based theatre Sort/Hvid, and played at the Royal Danish Theatre and at the Aarhus Theatre from January…
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InBáze Community Centre
InBáze is an independent community centre for migrants and Czech nationals located in the capital city Prague. The structure is made of several departments, all aiming at fostering the integration of migrants in the Czech Republic: the employment office provides guidance for job search,…
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URB Summer Job Project - Less priviledged youngsters at national festival
The starting point of the URB summer job project is the accessibility and significance of arts. It looks at people's ability to deal with and expand their self-conception and that of the surrounding world. Within this long-term process, the project which is limited in time - 4-6 weeks - can…
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Latest Funding Information
Ireland: Refugee Crisis Media Fund
The Mary Raftery Journalism Fund (MRJF), with the support of the Tony Ryan Trust, has launched the Refugee Crisis Media Fund. The fund is to provide support to journalists, media professionals and media organisations wanting to investigate the "refugee crisis" in Europe and refugee integration…
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Luxembourg: Call for campaign projects to foster migrants' political participation
The October 2017 municipal elections are approaching. In order to encourage foreigners to participate, the government has launched a call for proposals for associations willing to raise awareness in migrant communities about their voting right and promote their inscription on electoral lists.…
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Ireland: Communities Integration Fund now available
Minister of State with responsibility for Integration, Immigration and Equality David Stanton has announced that applications are now open under the Communities Integration Fund. A total of €500,000 will be made available in 2017 for local community based groups to promote integration in…
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Latest Documents
European Islamophobia Report 2016: Lithuania
There were almost 3,000 Muslims living in Lithuania in 2011, according to the latest population census. The Lithuanian Social Research reports in this document that Muslims were one of the most negatively viewed religious groups in Lithuania in 2016. This is partially due to the high coverage of…
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Luxembourg: New law on nationality
On 8 March 2017, the parliament adopted a new nationality law meant to facilitate access to naturalisation to foreigners living in the country and ultimately to increase their political participation. The new legislation which introduces several novelties entered into force on 1 April.…
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EU rural development policy and the integration of migrants
Although migration is predominantly an urban phenomenon, opportunities are available within the framework of the European Union's rural development policy to assist rural communities. This briefing by the European Parliamentary Research Service provides an insight into the specific challenges of…
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Ireland: 2017-2020 Migrant Integration Strategy
The Irish 2017-2020 Migrant Integration Strategy was released on the website of the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration on Tuesday 7 February 2007. The Strategy is targeted at all migrants, including refugees and persons of migrant origin, and foresees actions applicable to all…
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Integration of refugees and migrants: Participation in cultural activities
This factsheet by the European Parliament informs about the EU framework and support for integration through culture. It provides both an overview of European and international policy or legal documents relevant for a culture-led integration of refugees and migrants, and a mapping of activities…
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