
Portál pro kritickou diskuzi o migraci

Subcontracting in Europe: Towards Responsibility in Subcontracting Chains

Multicultural Center Prague (MKC) in cooperation with Masaryk University’s Faculty of Social Sciences and the Department of Sociology jointly invite you to a public roundatble on the topic of subcontracting in Europe. The roundtable focuses on the problematic subcontracting relations that have allowed for the violation of migrant workers’ labour rights, and aims to shed light on subcontracting specifically in relation to inter-EU labour migration and EU mobility.

The roundtable follows a closed participatory hearing in Ombudsman (Public Defender of Rights of Rights office) with migrant workers whose labour rights were violated, representatives of labour inspection and NGOs, as well as lawyers and experts.


Professor Devi Sacchetto, Universita Degli Studi Di Padua, Italy
Topic: Subcontracting in Italy

Dr. Bettina Haidenger, Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt, Austria
Topic: Liability and Responsibilization in Subcontracting Chains    

Mr. Artur Schulz , Polnischer Sozialrat, Germany
Topic: Subcontracting in the German Construction Industry

Dr. Goska Maciejewska, University of Wroclaw, Labour Union Workers’ Initiative, Poland
Topic: Precarious Labour in Poland

Petr Kučera
Multicultural Centre Prague

Open to the public. 

Followed by a light reception. 

For additional information please contact Adriana Qubaiová (adriana.qubaiova@mkc.cz)


The roundtable is part of MKC’s international project Testing Labour Citizenship Testing EU citizenship as ‘labour citizenship’: from cases of labour rights violations to a strengthened labour-rights regimewhich is co-funded by the European Union’s Europe for Citizens Programme.

K projektu:Testování evropského občanství jako „pracovního občanství“ Od případů porušování pracovních práv k posílení pracovněprávního režimu

datum:27. listopadu 2015 (pátek) 14:30 - 17:00
místo:Brno - Masaryk University - Joštova 10, Faculty of Social Studies - Room 51
pořádá:MKC Praha
ke stažení: Invitation /pdf/
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