
Portál pro kritickou diskuzi o migraci
24. 4. 05
Zdroj: migraceonline.cz

Mailing list [East European Migration]

Máte-li zájem dozvědět se o publikacích, konferencích a dalších novinkách z oblasti migrace ve střední a východní Evropě, přihlaště se na mailing list "East European Migration". Tento mailing list si klade za cíl diskutovat o migraci ve východní Evropě.

East European Migration is concerned with migration to, from or within Eastern Europe from an East European perspective both now and in the past. It is intended to be a counterweight to the dominance of Western interests in discussion of migration within Europe. Eastern Europe is considered as the entire area east of 1989 boundaries, and thus includes states that joined the EU on 1 May 2004 and the ‘new’ German Länder, candidate states, those aspiring to be, and those further east.


Objectives of the list

The list’s purpose is to be a source of information and communication among researchers on East European migration. Members are asked to contribute announcements about publications (reports, journal articles, books), data sources, websites, immigration legislation that affects East Europeans, information from elsewhere in the world when it is particularly relevant, and about conferences, seminars. Members are particularly encouraged to contribute bibliographies of their own work and work that has been done in their own countries or their own fields of interest. These will be stored in the list’s Archive, which will become an online resource.

Messages to the list

Once the list is established it is expected there will be on average 2 or 3 postings in a week. On joining, or at any time, members who prefer not to receive e-mails may elect not to receive them but they may still send information to the list and consult the archive whenever they want to. Information for the list may also be sent by non-members to the moderator, Beryl Nicholson, with ‘For East European Migration’ in the subject line.

Messages may be posted in any language. They must only contain text and no attachments are allowed.

Contributors are requested to bear in mind that some members may have limited internet access, and to avoid sending excessively large messages.

How to join

Individuals with a professional interest in migration who agree with the list’s purpose may join the list. These include, but are not limited to researchers in universities (including research students) and research institutes, think tanks and government, serious independent scholars (e.g. who publish and are active in research networks), and journalists with a special interest in migration. Membership is not limited to citizens or residents of East European states.

This is a closed list, members must be approved by the moderator. To join send a short introduction stating your interest in the group to EastEuropeanMigration-owner@yahoogroups.com

Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EastEuropeanMigration

The initiator and moderator of this list is Beryl Nicholson, who has researched and published on migration for many years, and for the past decade has had a particular interest in Albania.

24. 4. 05
Zdroj: migraceonline.cz
...nahoru ▲