
Portál pro kritickou diskuzi o migraci
19. 9. 07

Call for Papers: nové číslo o migraci časopisu The Romanian Journal of European Studies

Server migratie.ro vyzývá výzkumíky, aby přispěli svým článkem do nového čísla časopisu The Romanian Journal of European Studies, jehož tématem bude migrace. Toto číslo vyjde na konci roku 2007. Oblastmi zájmu jsou zejména: migrace, azyl, uprchlíci, hranice, pracovní migrace a mobilita, rozvoj, vysídlení, demografické trendy, svoboda pohybu, svoboda usídlení, migrace a evropské právo, menšiny, lidská práva. DEADLINE: 7. října 2007.

The British Council - Romania and Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence within the West University of Timisoara plan to jointly publish No.5/2006 of The Romanian Journal of European Studies. http://www.migratie.ro/RJES.html

Guest editor: Mr. Ovidiu SIMINA / LLB, MA, PhD Student

Instruction to authors


Editors welcome the sumission of manuscripts both in electronic (E-mail attachment) and hard copy versions. Original printed manuscript together with CD stored manuscript, written in English or French should be sent to:

Mr. Ovidiu SIMINA

O.P.1-C.P.372 Bucharest 010145 ROMANIA

Attn: Romanian Journal of European Studies, new

migration issue

Hard copy manuscripts should be submitted in two copies, typewritten or printed double-spaced, on one side of the paper. CD stored manuscript should be under Microsoft Word. The electronic manuscripts (E-mail attachments under MS-Word) should be directed

to the Guest Editor at journal[at]migratie[.]ro. The receiving of all proposals is confirmed by the editor by e-mail.

Contributors should adhere to the format of the journal (please join the editorial requirements). The papers will be anonymously peer-reviewed. The authors obtain the comments from the reviewer(s) throughout the Guest Editor, they do not enter in contact


Web: http://www.migratie.ro/RJESpaper2007.html

or http://ovidiusimina.googlepages.com/theromanianjournalofeuropeanstudies

RJES no.4/2005



Ovidiu SIMINA (Mr.)

C.P.1 - C.P.372, 010145 Bucuresti 1, ROMANIA

Tel: +40.722.664.130; Fax: +40.356.814.937; e-mail: ovidiusimina@yahoo.com; http://www.geocities.com/ovidiusimina

- Ministerul Internelor si Reformei Administrative, Cabinetul Secretarului de Stat pentru relatia cu Parlamentul si afaceri europene - consilier; Web: http://www.mai.gov.ro; E-mail: ovidiu.simina@mai.gov.ro

- Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara, doctorand

Web: http://www.migratie.ro; E-mail: ovidiu.simina@migratie.ro


19. 9. 07
...nahoru ▲