
Portál pro kritickou diskuzi o migraci
12. 12. 11

Perspektivy migrace a rozvoje

Pozvánka na debatu, která se koná ve čtvrtek 15. prosince od 17 hodin na Anglo-American University v Praze .
V rámci akce bude představena česká verze Glossary on Migration - první výkladový slovník migrační terminologie v českém jazyce.

1st Panel: The Czech Migration Experience

  • The panel will address migration from the viewpoint of Migrants in the Czech Republic. Building on their unique experience, the panelists will try to address the issues which support or hinder a full exploitation of the migration potential  - for the benefit of the host country, coutry of origin and the migrants themselves.
  • Panelists: Masha Volynsky (People in Need), Bohdan Rajcinec (Ukrainian Initiative), Representative of Vietnamese community
  • Moderator: Hrishabh Sandilya (AAU PR manager)

Coffee break

2nd Panel: Migration as a Complementary Strategy for Development

  • The panel will seek to discuss how migration contributes to development and how its positive impacts could be augmented.  
  • The role of remittances will be contrasted with the impacts of the Official Developmental Assistance and new ways for possible synergies will be sought after.
  • Panelists: Lucie Sladkova/Jan Schroth (IOM Prague), Representative of Czech Development Agency, Živka Deleva (expert from  University of Comenius in Bratislava)
  • Moderator: Vera - Karin Brazova  (expert of Faculty of Social Sciences in Prague) 

Introduction of the recently published Czech version of "Glossary on Migration"

12. 12. 11
...nahoru ▲